20 Work Outfits for Any Situation- The Cut

Living in the world of trying to maintain a work/life balance, it is easy to view the work bit as an obligation– a necessary evil there to finance the “life” part of your life. But think about it– most of us live a huge chunk of our lives at work and interact with people who are able to easily influence the direction of our lives, so why not put a little extra thought into how we dress from 9-5?

I love how the article highlights two different types of working girls (I can say that, right?): the lady who works in the conservative office and the gal who has more creative days. I, fortunately, am on the creative side of things in a business casual workplace, but that didn’t diminish my appreciation of the more corporate wardrobe. Click through the slideshow and see the mix of high-end and low pieces paired with situations that match just about anything you could be going through. They built a real woman’s wardrobe, repeating pieces throughout the editorial. I’m so inspired— maybe it’s time to hit the shops…

Read the full article here.

(hat tip to The Cut.)